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Eight Ways to Keep a Healthy Smile

Healthy Smile

Eight Ways to Keep a Healthy Smile

A healthy smile can win the hearts of many. However, a few of us struggle to keep our smiles healthy. If you are one of them, you can simply improve your smile by maintaining your oral health. Your dental hygiene will not only contribute to your smile, but it can also be beneficial for your overall well-being. Some lifestyle changes will serve the purpose so let’s discuss how to keep a healthy smile and restore self-confidence.

1. Floss Daily

Many of us ignore flossing. Often, we think that it won’t really help, but flossing can boost your oral health by removing food particles and bacteria. After eating, some prefer to use a toothpick to remove the food particles stuck between teeth, but a toothpick might not be as effective as flossing.

Even if you brush your teeth regularly, you should consider flossing daily to eliminate all the unwanted food from between your teeth. Flossing is easy and can be done by anyone. This simple and traditional method can limit your time spent in the dentist’s chair.

Flossing will foster healthy gums and teeth. You just need to know the right way to floss in order to maximize the benefits. When not done properly, flossing can damage the gum line.

The best way to floss is to wrap the ends of the floss around each index finger and maintain a two-inch distance between fingers. Make sure to unroll a fresh section of floss for each tooth. While flossing, you need to keep it tight against your teeth to remove the plaque without damaging your gums.

If you avoid flossing, food deposits can cause serious dental issues including gingivitis and periodontal disease. You should floss daily for a healthy smile.

2. Visit Your Hygienist At Least Twice a Year

Having your teeth professionally cleaned twice a year is considered important to good oral health. However, some of us have a cleaning only a few times in life. Oral hygiene is a must to keep most dental problems at bay.

You should visit your dentist twice a year for preventative cleanings, known as prophylaxis when the gums are healthy. It will minimize the risk of cavities and many other oral diseases. Even if your teeth are properly maintained and healthy, your hygienist will suggest a preventative cleaning twice a year for many good reasons.

Any preventative cleaning will boost the appearance of your teeth while removing the bacteria. Even after a preventative cleaning, bacteria will start to re-colonize, and you cannot eliminate them completely with the best dental practices at home. Therefore, you should consider preventative cleaning every six months to remove the plaque and bacteria before they can cause any noticeable damage.

There are also some other benefits to dental cleaning. During the cleaning, the dental hygienist or dentist can detect any issues and treat the conditions.

If an issue is detected at an early stage, you will spend less time and money on the treatment and also prevent gum diseases. Some gum diseases can be quite harmful, leading to a heart attack or stroke.

3. Give Up Smoking

Smoking can harm your physical and mental health in more than one way. We all are aware of the impacts of smoking on our bodies, but we should know that smoking is detrimental to our oral health. Not only can tar and nicotine change the appearance of your teeth by making them yellow, and is a leading cause of gum disease. Gum disease associated with smoking harms the tissue and bones that support your teeth.

As a result, you can experience tooth decay and possibly suffer from more severe issues such as oral cancer. So, do a favor for yourself and avoid smoking. Initially, it will not be easy to quit smoking, but you can quit gradually and then quit it completely after a while. Once you quit smoking, you will notice many positive changes in your overall well being including your oral health. Now is the time to talk to your dentist to learn how smoking negatively affects your smile and dental health.

4. Drink Fewer Colored Drinks

We all love beverages and prefer to enjoy them whenever possible, but do you know that your beverage is impacting your smile? They can definitely be a contributor to your poor oral health. Coffee, juice, red wine, and your favorite tea are the biggest culprits.

These beverages have color pigments known as chromogens that can cause staining and cavities. These chromogens are intense and can attach to your white enamel and affect the look. To avoid this, you will have to cut down your favorite teeth-straining beverages to maintain whiter teeth and a healthier smile.

Of course, it is not always possible to avoid these beverages completely, but you can minimize the consumption. Also, take extra caution after consuming them. You can use fluoride toothpaste to counteract the stains, and use teeth whitening products to reverse the damage and create a beautiful smile.

To help avoid staining, you can drink an adequate amount of water instead of beverages and sugary drinks. Water can help to maintain oral hygiene while keeping the mouth moist. Water will also wash away bacteria and food particles, which will help minimize many oral issues such as cavities. So, replace your beverages with water to keep a healthy smile.

5. Choose Cleaning and Whitening Products Carefully

Most of us prefer to use teeth whitening and cleaning products to treat stained teeth. However, all whitening products are not made equally. More importantly, they might not be effective for cleaning stained teeth, causing more damage instead of improving the condition.

There are different types of teeth whitening products. Some of them can be effective to boost your smile and restore your confidence. If you are planning to use a teeth whitening product, consult your dentist beforehand. There is a product for everyone and your dentist will know which one is designed for you. He or she is the best person to help you with the right solution.

6. Use a Quality Toothbrush

Have you ever given extra attention to choosing a toothbrush? If not, you should do so. Buy a brush that has soft bristles and is the right size for your teeth. Make sure that the head size is correct for your mouth and will not cause any problem while brushing the back of your teeth. Remember that bacteria can easily hide in hard to reach areas.

The bristles need to be soft and small enough to cover the gap between the teeth. If you buy a brush with hard bristles, then it can wear down your gums and teeth. So, be smart and always choose a quality brush to maximize the benefits of brushing. And don’t forget that you need to replace your brush regularly.

A brush can last up to three months if used properly. When you notice that the bristles are starting to bend, you should replace it fast. Otherwise, it will not serve its purpose.

You may also want to consider using an electronic toothbrush such as the Oral B®, which has a rounded head just like your hygienist uses. An electronic toothbrush also helps prevent you from brushing too hard causing gum recession.

7. Brush At Least Twice a Day

The first step to maintaining oral hygiene is brushing. Brushing is important to have a healthy smile. It can prevent many oral issues including cavities. Dentists, along with The American Dental Association, recommend brushing twice a day.

Don’t forget that you will need to get the right brush and toothpaste with fluoride. You can consider any fluoride toothpaste. Regular brushing will minimize plaque, which is a sticky film that contains bacteria and can damage your teeth over time.

Also, follow the right techniques to remove all the food particles between your teeth. For the right technique, you need to position the brush to the gums at a 45-degree angle and brush the outer surface with gentle and short strokes.

Follow the same technique to brush the entire surface of your teeth, including the top and the back. Remember to include cleaning your tongue by brushing it gently and then rinsing your mouth as well as rinsing the brush.

8. Don’t Let Tooth and Gum Issues Fester

If you have developed the habit of ditching your dentist, this could lead to many oral issues. Some dental problems may be life-threatening so you will need to visit your dentist regularly for an oral health check-up.

You may end up spending some money on regular visits, but regular consultations will reduce any treatment costs in the long run. Also, you should never ignore minor issues. Some people do not pay attention to bleeding gums and tooth pain. They avoid dental visits due to the fear of what treatment plans may cost, but if you don’t see your dentist regularly, you may end up spending much more when the issue becomes severe.

Keep in mind, what seems to be a minor dental issue can lead to tooth decay, trauma, and gum diseases when not addressed immediately. Also, regular visits can detect life-threatening diseases such as cancer, which is treatable if detected at an early stage.

Develop all these healthy habits and act smart to have a healthy smile!


Related Dental Services: Dental Services

What is Botox?

What Is Botox® and How Is It Used?

Today, Botox® injection has become one of the most well-known beauty treatments and one of the most preferred methods used by many men and women who want to correct the wrinkles that come with age. But what is Botox®?


What is Botox®?

Botox® is the trade name for botulinum toxin type A. It is derived from a bacterium called Clostridium botulinum, which is found inactively in the natural environment, which includes forests, cultivated soils, and in the sediment of lakes, streams, coastal waters, and untreated waters.

According to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology, Botox® can be used in cosmetics very safely and with good results. It is mainly used to make wrinkles and frown lines that appear with age disappear from the face. This is achieved through injections, which blocks signals from the nerves to the muscles, causing the wrinkles to relax and soften.


How Botox® works for wrinkles

Botox® is mainly used to remove those wrinkles acquired as the skin ages. This result is achieved by injecting the serum into certain muscles that are responsible for wrinkles. Once Botox® reaches a nerve end, it blocks acetylcholine, the chemical responsible for initiating muscle contractions. That’s because botulinum toxins chase down proteins that release acetylcholine.

When Botox® is administered to the muscles around wrinkles and fine lines, those muscles relax and stop moving. Once they are relaxed, the appearance of wrinkles and lines will be smoothed out. Botox® is most often used and is approved to treat vertical eyebrow lines, known as glabellar wrinkles, and also to remove crow’s feet and forehead wrinkles. Although the procedure is quick and easy, the full effects of Botox® take between 7 and 10 days to be seen.

Keep in mind, this anti-wrinkle effect of Botox® is only temporary. It only lasts for four to six months and cannot correct the damage caused by the sun. After these months have passed, the person will have to receive a new injection to keep their skin stretched and wrinkle-free.

Botox® injection to remove wrinkles is a simple and very safe treatment. It only takes a few minutes and does not require anesthesia. Botox® is injected with a fine needle, causing minimal discomfort. Generally, it takes three to seven days to take full effect and it is recommended to avoid alcohol at least one week prior to treatment.


Botox® for migraines

Even though Botox® is best known for its ability to reduce facial wrinkles, it has also been shown to be of great help in preventing chronic migraines in some people and it has met FDA approval. Treatment for chronic migraines is generally carried out for patients who suffer headaches for more than fifteen days a month. It is normally administered every three months and its effects last between two to two and a half months.

Using Botox® for chronic migraine headaches every three months is the national standard according to the American Headache Society


How does it work?

This treatment for headaches consists mainly of injecting Botox® into the muscles of the forehead, scalp, neck, and shoulders. Doctors believe Botox® works for migraine headaches because it blocks chemicals called neurotransmitters that relay pain signals from the brain. Botox® acts as an obstacle on that path to stop the chemicals before they reach the nerve endings around the head and neck. However, the pain does not disappear permanently. After a few months, the headaches tend to reappear.

In some cases, Botox® is usually all that is needed to keep chronic headaches under control, although some people require more medications or other treatments to prevent their migraine attacks. This is usually observed during the last two weeks of the Botox® cycle because Botox® loses its affects during this time. Some of the migraine medications prescribed may include anticonvulsants, some antidepressants, cardiovascular medications such as beta-blockers and calcium channel blockers, and other migraine medications.
Side effects

The most common side effects of Botox® injections include neck pain, headache, and swelling or bruising at the injection site. Allergic reaction to Botox® is also possible. The most common signs of an immediate allergic reaction to Botox® may be hives, shortness of breath, and swelling in the lower legs.

There is also a risk that the botulinum toxin can spread to the surrounding tissues and cause problems such as misplaced eyebrows, excess tears, dry eyes or eyelid drooping. Eyelid drooping is usually more common in people very sensitive to botulinum toxin or people who already have a droopy eyelid. By changing the injections to a slightly different site, in some cases, this side effect can be reduced.

The worst case is that botulinum toxin could spread to other parts of the body causing more serious problems such as vision problems, difficulty speaking, breathing, or swallowing. Doctors do not recommend the use of Botox® in women who are breastfeeding or who are pregnant. The side effects of the toxin in a fetus are not known. However, thousands of chronic migraine patients have been treated effectively and safely.

Botox® should always be applied under the care of an experienced doctor because it can be very dangerous if administered incorrectly.

Botox® for brow lift

The passage of time takes its toll on the face. To combat this, one of the revealing “new youth” aesthetic medical treatments is the brow lift. With age, the eyebrow tends to sag, giving a sad and tired look. This brow lift, when performed by experts, is very safe and has incredible results that will make you look much younger. The elevation of the eyebrows is carried out through the infiltration of botulinum toxin (known by its trade name Botox®) into the forehead above the brow.


How it is performed?

Modifying the shape of the eyebrows with Botox® is a procedure that requires a great understanding of the function of the muscles that raise the brows. To shape the eyebrows with Botox®, the treatment must be accompanied by treatments on other areas of the face such as the forehead.

The smallest doses of Botox® are injected above the lateral aspect of the eyebrows, thereby opening up the eye. Additional injections can be placed at the end of the brows to relax the eye muscles. This causes the forehead muscles to pull up that area as well. This medicine is not a substitute for surgery, but in young people, it has excellent results in preserving the skin and slowing down the aging process.

The eyebrow lift is also performed in the office with a very fine, sterile needle after applying an anesthetic cream or local anesthetic spray. After a few seconds, when the anesthesia has taken effect, the doctor determines and marks the areas to be treated according to the muscle structure. Botox® injection does not require an allergy test or previous preparations and is done superficially.

The procedure is completely safe and it lasts no more than twenty minutes with minimal or no discomfort. After the application, the patient can return to their normal routine without any impediment. Keep in mind, it is important to mention that after administering Botox®, you should not lie down or exercise for four hours.

The treatment of eyebrow-raising with botulinum toxin has a high satisfaction rating among those who have used it since the effect is very successful and safe.  The full effect of the treatment is seen after 48 hours, although a large part of the results is observed within a few hours after treatment. Like the results from using Botox® for wrinkles, this also lasts from four to six months.

Ten Reasons why Invisalign is better than traditional braces


Ten Reasons why Invisalign is better than traditional braces

Wearing braces is truly essential for people who are experiencing certain types of dental problems. Therefore, it’s important that you find the best braces on the market. This article focuses on Invisalign invisible Aligners and will explain to you why it’s the better option in comparison to traditional metal braces. So, if you’re interested, keep reading to find out the ten reasons why Invisalign is better than traditional metal braces.

1. The Invisalign design is more subtle

Invisalign aligners are practically invisible which makes it less obvious that you are wearing braces. A lot of people struggle with the way they look when they are wearing traditional metal braces so, in this regard, Invisalign is definitely the better option. They are designed in such a way that wearing these aligners won’t negatively impact your smile in the slightest. This is a big advantage in comparison to traditional braces because, with those, you won’t be able to hide the metal in your mouth at all. Therefore, with Invisalign, you can be guaranteed that you will not only look better while wearing braces, but it will also do wonders for your overall self-confidence.

2. You can take the Invisalign aligners out of your mouth

It’s very easy to remove the Invisalign trays from your mouth when it’s necessary. Because of this, you can take them out when you’re eating or when you’re drinking.. This means that there aren’t any specific restrictions when it comes to your daily diet so you can eat anything you want. It doesn’t matter how sticky or hard the food is. This is a huge advantage when compared to traditional braces where you really need to be careful with what kind of foods you eat. For example, really hard foods could damage the metal and then you would need to get your braces repaired. With Invisalign, you don’t have that problem, making it more efficient in this department.

3. Invisalign braces are more comfortable

When you’re wearing metal braces, you will find that the metal can cause irritation because the metal can rub the inside of your mouth. That’s another problem that you won’t have with the Invisalign product. And, as mentioned above, you can take the aligners out which makes eating and brushing your teeth easier and more pleasant. In general, Invisalign doesn’t apply as much pressure on your teeth as is the case with traditional braces so this contributes to the comfortable feeling as well.

4. Invisalign aligners make it easier to clean your teeth

When you’re brushing your teeth, you can just take the Invisalign aligners out of your mouth, making it easier to thoroughly clean your teeth. With traditional braces, often there can be some food left between your teeth or even in the braces. Invisalign on the other hand solves this problem completely. You can take your Invisalign aligners out of your mouth when you’re eating and afterward, you can brush your teeth like you normally would. Both your Invisalign aligners and your teeth will be perfectly clean.

5. The Invisalign treatment is shorter

Another benefit of Invisalign braces, when compared to traditional braces, is the short amount of time that it takes for them to be effective. With traditional braces, it can take up to several years before your teeth are settled properly. However, when you wear the Invisalign aligners, you will find that it takes a lot less time before you have the teeth you always dreamed of having. You need to wear the aligners for 8 to18 months until you can stop wearing them completely. The reason for this shorter amount of time is that the Invisalign aligners will be changed out every 2 weeks so your treatment will be more effective. You will be able to have your ideal teeth in only a matter of time!

6. Invisalign can help with all kinds of dental problems

Invisalign aligners are not only great for setting your teeth straight, but they can help with other dental problems as well. Examples include issues like an overbite, an underbite, a crossbite, or protruding teeth to name a few. The reason for this is that Invisalign uses a very progressive technology that’s able to adapt to any kind of dental issue. This means Invisalign can be an asset to anyone, no matter the dental problem. Invisalign is very customer-orientated and can offer you the exact treatment plan to fulfill all of your needs. Traditional braces can solve a lot of dental problems as well but are generally less flexible and customizable than Invisalign.

7. Invisalign aligners are usually less painful

In general, metal braces can be slightly painful when you’re wearing them. The metal can poke your skin and can be painful to your mouth, lips, and cheeks. They can even cause painful sores and blisters inside a person’s mouth. In this regard, Invisalign is a lot less painful. The design of the Invisalign aligners is so smooth that you will hardly be bothered by them so you are less likely to injure the inside of your mouth.

8. You will get an idea of what your smile will look like

Invisalign uses a special computer technology that allows you to actually see a similar end result before you even start your treatment. Because of this technology, you will know how long you will need to wear the aligners and you will know what your teeth are going to look like once the treatment is over. This really gives Invisalign an edge over traditional metal braces. With traditional braces, there are many things that can go wrong while wearing them. If the treatment plan for metal braces doesn’t progress as it should, there’s the chance that you will have to wear the traditional braces longer than expected. However, when you wear Invisalign aligners, you will not be faced with any unpleasant surprises.

9. With Invisalign, you’ll need to visit the Dentist less often

When you start the Invisalign treatment, your Dentist will provide you with many different aligner trays. Each tray is meant for a specific stage in your treatment plan. Every few weeks, you will need to replace your trays making this is a very independent treatment plan. You will only need to go to the dentist every 6 weeks or so to get a check-up because you will already have all the equipment you need to make the treatment work on your own. This is a big contrast to traditional braces. With traditional braces, you will need to visit the orthodontist more often to know if everything is going according to plan or to make repairs. Invisalign saves you time and will fit into your busy life!

10. You can still be active with the Invisalign aligners

With traditional braces, you often need to be careful while doing intense, physical activities and playing sports. There are many ways that exercising can damage metal braces. For example, when you’re playing soccer and a ball hits your face, the metal can be severely damaged and you will need to pay a visit to the orthodontist to get the braces fixed. That’s an issue that you won’t have when you’re wearing Invisalign aligners. When you need to exercise, you can just take the aligners out of your mouth and you won’t run the risk of damage. Afterward, you can just insert the aligners once more and go on about your day as usual!


Invisalign may cost the same as traditional metal braces, but that’s easy to forget when you look at all the advantages that it has to offer. Invisalign offers a great price-quality ratio and will definitely give you the best treatment when it comes to your teeth. If you’re debating between Invisalign and traditional metal braces, you should know that Invisalign is truly the best option on the dental market right now.


Related Dental Services: Dental Services

Oral Conscious Sedation

Oral Conscious Sedation


If the thought of having your teeth cleaned, or even the very thought of stepping into a dentist’s office grips you with fear, you’re not alone. Some people are so afraid of dentistry that they would rather live with toothache pain than to seek treatment. Putting your health at risk is never a good idea. For those people who suffer from dental fear, sedation dentistry may ease anxiety and make for a more pleasant appointment.


What is Oral Conscious Sedation?


Oral conscious sedation is a type of sedation dentistry that uses medication in pill form in order to reach a level of relaxation so that a patient can calmly receive the dental work they need. The process is quite simple and comfortable for the patient. The pill is given to the patient a half hour to an hour before the dental procedure. The pill given is a type of Benzodiazepine (i.e. Valium or Halcion), which reduces activity in the part of the brain that controls fear and anxiety. This keeps the patient calm and worry-free, allowing dental treatments or somewhat invasive procedures to be performed without stress on the patient. If needed, nitrous oxide will be given to help with relaxation. Some patients, may fall asleep during the dental visit. At times, the medication will cause an amnesic effect, so you’ll have few memories of being in the dentist’s chair. Even though your oral procedure could take hours, it will feel like minutes.


Sedation Options


Inhaled Minimal or Light Sedation


With this type of sedation, you breathe in nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, through a mask placed over your nose. The gas helps to relax you, yet you are still coherent enough to respond to the doctor’s commands. Light sedation like nitrous oxide is used and for those with minor fear.


Reasons for Oral Sedation


It’s quite common for people to feel nervous before a surgery or medical procedure. It seems to be even more common for people to fear a dental visit since dental work has traditionally been done with the patient wide awake and very aware of the work being done on their teeth. The pain associated with most procedures is what induces fear and anxiety, which results in so many people completely ignoring their oral health. And while Novocain lessens the pain, it does nothing to help with the fear and dread a lot of people have regarding dental appointments. Dental fear and low pain tolerance are associated with increased levels of cavities since many people would rather live with the cavity than step foot inside a dental office. This fear of the dentist and the inability to endure pain, can result in patients delaying a much needed trip to the dentist, or even avoiding the dentist’s office altogether. Neglecting your oral health can lead to cavities, tooth loss, gum disease, and overall health problems. However, with oral conscious sedation, your dental anxiety can be overcome.

Pain sensitivity is another reason for conscious sedation. The sedative keeps you relaxed during your treatment or surgery so that your jaw is not as tense. This means the post-treatment soreness is less than what it would be if no sedative was used at all.


Being a busy person is another reason people choose moderate sedation. If you need extensive work, it may be more convenient for you to have it done all at once. Some busy patients may choose to break up a procedure into more than one visit since certain procedures seem to take up a great part of the day. However, breaking up a treatment into more than one visit takes up more time. Being able to relax during a very long procedure will assist with it feeling like it has gone by quickly.


Advantages of Conscious Oral Sedation


It is Easy to Administer


The dentist will prescribe the pill for you. All you have to do is take the pill about an hour before your appointment, and you’ll be feeling relaxed by the time you arrive. The nitrous oxide will be given right before the procedure. Most states require board-certification, which involves additional training in dosage, monitoring and safety, along with continuous education.


There Are No Needles Involved

If you have a fear of needles, the pill is the best way to go. Rather than inserting a needle into a vein for IV sedation, with oral sedation, you can take the sedative by mouth before the appointment without having to worry about needles. Keep in mind that a treatment such as a filling will require analgesia like Novocain. The numbing would be given after the medication has taken affect and you have relaxed.


Low cost


The cost of full anesthesia can cost hundreds of dollars while a pill can cost comparatively little.


Amnesia-like affect

The strong dosage of Benzodiazepine can cause a sort of amnesia or little to no memory of the procedure. This is one of the best side effects for someone suffering from dental fear. If you have no recall of the dental visit, it will make it easier for you to decide to return for another appointment.


It’s safe


The oral sedatives are all regulated by the FDA, so it’s extremely unlikely that there will be any dangerous side effects.


You Will Still Be Responsive

Although you may feel drowsy with pill sedation, you’ll still be awake and responsive. Since you’re awake during the procedure, you’ll be able to listen and respond to your dentist’s instructions.



Disadvantages to Oral Conscious Sedation


The disadvantages of oral sedation are few. The most common disadvantage is that it takes longer for it to become effective. IV anesthesia and nitrous oxide act faster. The second most common disadvantage is the drowsiness that you will experience. You will need to take the pill before arriving at your appointment, which means you may arrive groggy and need assistance. It’s also possible that someone will need to stay with you for a while after you have returned home.



Who is a Candidate for Oral Conscious Sedation?


If you are fearful of dental treatments or are very anxious around dental instruments, you would be good candidate for oral sedation. If you don’t respond well to local anesthetics, you should consider this type of sedation as well. Also, if you have neck or back issues and may become quite uncomfortable in the dental chair, considering this technique will help you be more relaxed.


Can Any Dentist Perform Oral Conscious Sedation?


Most dentists can give minimal sedation like nitrous oxide and moderate sedation like valium, ketamine, or midazolam in pill form. The number of dentists who have completed the Commission on Dental Accreditation program on deep sedation and general anesthesia is small. Only those who have completed this program are allowed to use the deep sedation techniques. Those who have completed it are normally maxillofacial surgeons and dentist anesthesiologists. Each state has a dental board which regulates the conscious sedation techniques, the permits, and the minimal continuing education requirement.



How Safe Is Sedation Dentistry?


When getting anesthesia, there is always a risk, but it is usually safe when administered by an experienced dental professional. Keep in mind, certain people such as those who are obese or have obstructive sleep disorder, should talk to their doctor before participating in conscious sedation. These people are more likely to suffer from complications. Vital signs will be monitored during the procedure and oxygen will be available. Your blood pressure will likely be checked since feelings of stress and fear will raise a person’s blood pressure. But conscious sedation is considered quite safe. It is effective for both pediatric patients and fearful patients with a low tolerance for pain. In fact, the use of conscious sedation with nitrous oxide has resulted in 86.3% of dental treatments being successfully completed. When you consider all the factors, oral conscious sedation is the way to go.


Make sure before the procedure, you and your doctor go over your medical history and determine if you are a good candidate for oral conscious sedation. Any medications you’re on should be discussed. It’s also a good idea to find out how much training the anesthetist has had and how often they have performed oral sedation dentistry. You should be able to get specific information from your dentist’s office or from their website. And always ask questions if you are unclear about anything.


Don’t Compromise Your Oral Health


Dental offices and their staffs feel quite confident that your stress and fear can be managed with oral sedation, nitrous oxide, or with the combination of the two. If you’re concerned about going to see the dentist and you’re putting off much needed dental care, sedation dentistry can help you conquer your anxiety. Contact your local dentist’s office today to discuss your options and the treatment you have been delaying.


Related Dental Services: Dental Services

3D Scanning and 3D Modeling for Invisalign and Implants

3D Scanning and 3D Modeling for Invisalign and Implants


Medical technology grows by leaps and bounds every day, and this statement is just as true in the field of dentistry. Dental care has become more advanced with scanning used as a detector for tooth decay. However, your dentist is using this technology for more than just looking for cavities. These scanning devices are used in making virtual models of your mouth for the purpose of dental prosthetics. More than 3 million Americans have dental implants, and over 8 million teens and adults have been Invisalign customers. In order to ensure a perfect fit for Invisalign, and to ensure implants are properly fitted, 3D scanning is the standard used by the dental industry when designing and creating dental prosthetics.


Used For Invisalign


For those patients seeking straighter teeth for cosmetic reasons or to correct an improper bite, 3D scanning and modeling is used in making Invisalign aligners. Align Technology’s Invisalign brand enhances and corrects a smile which does wonders for your self-esteem. What some people don’t realize is that it’s important to correct a bad bite. Fixing the problem prevents dental deterioration and other oral health issues. It’s very important to get the aligners correctly made and fitted for your mouth. Awkward dental impressions or trays are no longer used for creating a treatment plan. 3D scanning is the most accurate way of providing aligners that will work best in an Invisalign treatment plan.


Your dental professional will create a 3D image of your teeth using an iTero scanner, which is from the makers of Invisalign. The iTero Element Scanner is used to ensure the correct and perfect aligner is tailored for you. Everyone has a different gum line, and iTero scans ensure a perfect fit.


Used For Implants

Dental implants are the closest you can get to natural teeth and are for those people who have lost a tooth or teeth due to decay or injury. They allow you to smile, eat, talk, and laugh without worry. Implants are made from titanium alloy, which is similar to what is used for knee replacements. The artificial tooth is placed in your jawbone by a connector and is made to bond with your natural bone. Because implants are a substitute for natural teeth, and because they are meant to be permanent as opposed to dentures, it’s incredibly important to design and fit the artificial tooth with care and precision. 2D scanning was once the way the implant was designed, but it was often inaccurate. 3D scanning and 3D modeling is the best technology for creating and placing implants The iTero Element scanner is used for implant modeling and placement and not just for Invisalign products. The iTero scanner is a common appliance used for designing other dental restoration products.


What is 3D Scanning?


3D imaging is slowly becoming the standard when it comes to aligners and other orthodontics. It allows dentists to digitally construct a model of your teeth and skull in 3D. No molds, plaster, or trays are used in this process. This unique perspective allows dental professionals to interact with the model and anticipate any difficulties, to effectively diagnose problems, and prescribe the treatment that is necessary. 3D scanning is commonly used for cosmetic and reconstructive purposes such as implants, crowns, and bone grafts, but as mentioned, it is also used to create 3D models to customize aligners for teeth straightening and to create an orthodontic treatment plan.


How Does 3D Scanning and Imaging Work?


The dental imaging process begins by scanning the lower half of the face to create the image. The most common and most reliable method of executing this is by a cone-beam computed tomography machine, or CBCT machine. Small beams of radiation are used to scan the mouth, which results in a digital image. These pictures or images are compiled and converted into a 3D model for dental treatments.


A 3D image made with the use of a CBCT machine can be used for simple diagnostics, showing angles of the teeth that may not have been visible with a 2D device. However, CBCT produced dental images can also be used for more complicated diagnostics, such as identifying degenerative conditions and potential issues in the future. In addition to using 3D dental imaging for diagnostics, it can be integrated with digital impressions of teeth. Technology enables a dentist or oral surgeon to take these impressions with excellent accuracy in order to create dental restorations. This allows for a seamless and near perfect plan for treatment.




Advantages of Using a Scanner


Because of the high precision of the 3D scanner, there are several advantages it has over traditional 2D imaging methods:


Reduced radiation: Dental 3D imaging reduces the amount of radiation the patient is exposed to since they require very little time and pinpoint specific areas of the teeth and mouth.


Efficiency: Utilizing 3D scanners is not as time consuming as taking conventional impressions.


Three dimensions: This new technology is able to create 3D models, which offers more information than the traditional 2D images.


Effective technology: The 3D data from multiple scans can be combined to produce incredibly accurate 3D images.


Accurate: These images offer greater detail compared to using molds to make a model. Dentists are able to see pathologies, infections, nerves, and more. Dental impressions of the past made with plaster couldn’t offer that information.


Non-invasive: There’s no need to utilize messy molds or trays. The entire head or a specific region of the mouth can be scanned.


How is the Imaging Used?


Dentists can more effectively treat patients when they digitize the workflow. An example would be if a patient requires an implant, their mouth can be scanned by a 3D scanner or possibly two different scanners. A CAD model of the patient’s mouth is generated and a digital model for the implant is created with the CAM software. The model is sent to a dental lab to be designed and constructed for use within a few days. This helps to make the process quicker than before. And with access to the digital model before surgery, the dentist or orthodontist can get familiar with the patient’s mouth before the surgery takes place. This is a huge advantage in saving time and ensuring accuracy. This digital workflow can be used for many procedures and dental restorations.


There is more than one type of 3D dental imaging used by clinicians and oral surgeons. Let’s go over the three main types and discuss how they improve workflow.


Three Main Types of 3D Scanners


Cone Beam Computed Tomography


CBCT is short for Cone-beam computed tomography. Using small beams of X-ray radiation, they rotate on a 360-degree axis while taking pictures of the mouth and face. The process is very quick and non-invasive since it only needs to rotate once around your head while you stand still. It has a limited field of view, which limits radiation exposure. After the images are taken, they are combined to make a model of the mouth. CBCT is also used today in mammography because it is more effective and safer than CT scans or an MRI.


Intraoral Scanner


The intraoral scanner (IOS) is a handheld device used in dentistry for capturing direct optical impressions. They are basically cameras that aid in creating a map for constructing a 3D surface model. Most often, these scanners exist in the form of a “wand”, which the operator inserts into a patient’s mouth. One of the most common and versatile 3D scanners is the itero Element. It’s perfect for any practice involved in digital dentistry. It’s designed to connect with orthodontic labs, custom crowns, bridges, veneers, implant abutment, and chairside milling. It also has easy connectivity to CAD and CAM software.



More About Digital Dentistry 


Technologies such as digital intraoral scanning (also known as digital impressions) and designing framework with CAD software are enhancing the quality of implant therapy and improving restoration results. Patient anatomy can be understood with remarkable detail through the digital collection of 3D data, and procedures can be virtually planned by using this CAD software.

This 3D technology has also made 3D printing possible. The availability of printed veneers, crowns, copings, night guards, and bridge models in an extremely short amount of time has made visits to the dentist and dental care more affordable and efficient for the patient. Plaster models that have been made and stored in a dentist’s office can be copied by the 3D printer so the casts no longer have to be stored.


Dentistry Today


Dentists and orthodontists know that 2D technology is on its way out. Digital dentistry is the way of the future with 3D scanning devices. 3D services can be found in most any dentist’s office with cone beam computer tomography being quite common. It gives a great image of what’s going on inside your mouth. The efficiency helps in providing a better patient experience while at your dentist’s office. With the increasing popularity and technical advancement of dentistry, treatment plans can be created quickly and with more certainty than ever before.

Dentures in Water

How to Properly Care for Your New Denture/Partial Dentures

Just because dentures are not natural teeth doesn’t mean they don’t need proper care. In fact, just like our own teeth, whether partial or full dentures, they need special care. Taking proper care of your dentures is necessary to maintain good oral health. Our mouth can be susceptible to bacteria and germs that can cause unwanted problems such as gum diseases and infections. Dentures can store bacteria as well. That’s why it’s so important to clean and take extra care of these prosthetics since doing the opposite can badly affect your health and create serious concerns.

Not only is it important to take care of your dentures, but it is also important to perform other activities to ensure good oral health. Bad oral hygiene can cause plaque to accumulate in your mouth which can cause bad breath, tooth decay, additional tooth loss, and gum disease. You can prevent those problems if you take proper care of your dentures. You can do so by following the tips we will give you today. So, let’s get started.

Handle Carefully

Dentures are investments that are made to better your quality of life. While they aren’t fragile, just like regular teeth they can be damaged if mistreated. And since they aren’t indestructible, it’s generally a good idea to keep them out of the reach of children and pets.

One of the most common way dentures are damaged is from improper cleaning. To help avoid this, do not use any strong cleaners or hard brushes on the dentures. Additionally, as tempting as it might be, avoid using toothpicks. As you can see, dentures need a lot of care. However, with a little practice, you will not regret following these steps to protect your dentures and help them last a long time.


In order to avoid the formation of plaque and to clean up food residue, brushing your dentures regularly is important. Brushing every day and night can also help to prevent stains. Basically, dentures need to be brushed daily, but you will need special tools to do this. Since you can’t use a regular toothbrush, you will need to use a soft-bristled denture brush. Avoid hard-bristled brushes since they can easily damage the dentures. Simply brush your dentures very gently and be extremely careful around the bends and attachments, remembering how. Even if you use other methods to clean your dentures, brushing should still be done daily.

Cleaning, Rinsing, and Storage

Proper care is very important. Along with brushing, another crucial step is to clean and rinse your dentures. Ideally, you should rinse your dentures after every meal, but for some people this might be impossible. If possible, you should rinse your dentures at least once per day. And you can’t use regular toothpaste to clean them because it’s way too rough. There are denture cleaners that can help do the job in no time. If you don’t have any denture cleaner, you can use regular hand soap or mild dishwashing soap to clean your dentures. This is one of the best ways to get rid of stains, plaque, food particles, and even more bacteria.

It’s important to select the right storage for your dentures. After you are done wearing them for the day, you should remove them at night to let your mouth and gums have a chance to rest while restoring a more normal air flow. That’s why it’s perfectly okay to let them soak in a cleaning solution specifically designed for dentures. Also, avoid using any kind of harsh cleaners or bleach to clean dentures. If you have questions about which products you should use, always feel free to contact your dentist as they can give you the best advice.

An additional tip is to never wrap your dentures in napkins or paper towels, they can be easily mistaken as trash and someone could throw them away, causing a huge loss for you and your bank account.

Maintain Good Oral Health

Even if you have full dentures, don’t forget to take care of your gums. Rinse your mouth after you remove the dentures. Then, you can use a soft cloth to clean your gums. Again, avoid using anything that can be harsh on the dentures. If you use partial dentures, then you need to take care of your remaining real teeth as well. Use your regular toothpaste and floss to keep your natural teeth healthy. A visit to your dentist is still something you need to do, even if you have dentures. So, try to go at least twice in a year to make sure everything is fine with your oral health.

Visit You Dentist

Following the previous tip, you should go regularly to your Orlando area dentist.  Apart from giving you the best advice for your teeth and denture care, they will check your overall oral health. They will check if you have a proper fit, they can help if you are experiencing some type of discomfort or soreness, and they can give your dentures a professional cleaning. Basically, your dentist will determine if everything is going well with your dentures and your mouth, so it’s a good idea to schedule regular dental appointments. Keep this in mind, you should visit your dentist at least once a year, but your dentist will remind you of this. Depending on your situation, you might need more visits.


Additional Tips

Don’t Try to Repair the Dentures Yourself

People can sell you kits or glues that are supposed to help you to repair your dentures. You should never buy those or even attempt to repair your dentures by yourself. It’s possible you could end up causing more damage, this damage may prevent the dentures from being repaired at all even by professionals.   Plus, if you bend any clasps or attachments, that can cause irreparable and permanent damage to your dentures. This is when you need to let health professionals act and do their jobs. They are here to assist you with any problems you might have with your dentures. So, instead of acting on your own, call your dentist and notify him if you have damage to your dentures.

Keep an Eye on Changes in How They Fit

The bones and gums in your mouth change as the years pass. Eventually, you might notice your dentures don’t fit as well as they once did or you might experience irritation in your cheeks or gums. You should not ignore these signs. If you notice a change in the way your dentures fit, then you should call your dentist before this problem causes more pain and soreness. Another reason to call a dentist in this type of situation is that the discomfort can also be a sign of periodontal disease. If this is the case, it’s better to get checked by your dentist and see if there is an issue with your gums.

In general, you should avoid:

  • Bleach: products with bleach can severely weaken and damage your dentures. Be careful about solutions that might contain bleach.
  • Toothpaste: using toothpaste to clean your dentures can be abrasive to them. Whitening toothpaste is especially abrasive and will do damage to your dentures.
  • Harsh cleansers: avoid harsh or abrasive cleansers because they can damage the surfaces of the dentures.
  • Hard-bristled brushes: always use soft-bristled brushes to clean your dentures. Never use hard toothbrushes.
  • Wrapping dentures in napkins or paper towels: anyone can mistake them for trash and throw them away.

As you can see, taking care of dentures is not rocket science. In fact, it’s fairly easy. Essentially, all you need to do is to be gentle, careful, and clean them regularly. If you follow this guide, you should have no problem with your dentures, and you will become a master in the cleaning of them in only a little time. You just need to remember they are a part of your body and need as much care as regular teeth do. Don’t forget to schedule regular checkups with your dentist to make sure everything is going well with your new dentures.

Gum Disease

The mouth is the window into the health and wellbeing of the body. Systemic diseases may often begin showing signs in the mouth, Coeliac and Crohns disease often manifest as aphthous ulcers. Most notably periodontal disease with its prevalence in the American population has a direct correlation to diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The effects of periodontitis on the risks for systemic diseases makes it essential that all clinicians encourage patients to seek periodic exams and maintenance of their oral health.


Periodontitis, also known as gum disease, is a chronic inflammatory disease of the mouth that involves the gingiva, teeth, and supporting bone. Clinically defined as the loss of connective tissue attachment to the teeth and alveolar bone loss. A recent CDC report1 estimates that 42 percent of U.S. adults age 30 years or over with one or more teeth have periodontitis, the condition is more common in men than women and increases with age, 70.1 percent of adults 65 years and older have periodontal disease1. At first, it’s silent, practically invisible and sometimes even a painless disease, but once periodontal disease strikes it’s only a matter of time until it makes its presence known with uncomfortable, unsightly and quite possibly irreparable side effects.


Periodontal disease is the major cause of tooth loss in adults and caused by bacterial biofilm that forms constantly on teeth. The biofilm turns into plaque if not removed this plaque hardens into calculus along and under your gums. The clinical signs of periodontitis2 include swelling, redness, and bleeding from the gums, sensitive gums, spacing between teeth, loose teeth, changes in occlusion, halitosis, and exposure of root surfaces through the loss of bone around the teeth. The disease can present locally, involving a few teeth, or be more generalized.


Patients with diabetes (both type 1 and type 2) are at an increased risk of developing periodontitis3. Periodontitis has been referred to as the sixth complication of diabetes2and is often more generalized in patients with diabetes. Several studies found a higher prevalence of periodontal disease among diabetic patients than among healthy controls2. The risk increases as glycemic control worsens and evidence of loss of tooth support, often seen as spreading of teeth resulting in diastemas. Despite similar plaque scores, patients with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes display more severe gingival bleeding compared to those with diabetes in good or moderate control3.


In broad terms, the risk of periodontitis is increased approximately three-fold in people with diabetes and the risk is greater with poor glycemic control. Unfortunately, many people with diabetes remain unaware of their increased risk of developing periodontal disease. A two-way relationship between periodontitis and diabetes has been described, with each condition having adverse impacts on the other. Periodontitis has been associated with worse long-term glycemic control4 in people with type 2 diabetes, as well as increased risk of diabetic nephropathy (macroalbuminuria and end-stage renal disease) and cardiorenal mortality, Ischaemic heart disease and diabetic nephropathy combined.


Furthermore, individuals with periodontitis have two to three times the risk5 of having a heart attack, stroke, or other serious cardiovascular events. Shared risk factors, such as smoking, unhealthy diet, and socioeconomic status, may explain the association. There’s an increasing suspicion that periodontal disease may be an independent risk factor for heart disease. The association between coronary heart disease and periodontal disease may be due to an underlying response trait, which places an individual at high risk for developing both periodontal disease and atherosclerosis. It was suggested that periodontal disease, once established provides a biological burden of endotoxin and inflammatory cytokines, especially thromboxaneA2, prostaglandin E2, interleukin (IL) 1L=1, and tumor necrosis factor-β, which serve to initiate and exacerbate atherogenesis and thromboembolic events6.


It is imperative that patients with diabetes and heart disease are made aware of the potential effects it may have on their oral and periodontal health7. It is highly recommended that patients with periodontal disease be assessed by dental professionals, it should be routine in people with diabetes to assess for both periodontitis and the other potential oral complications of the disease, such as dry mouth, candidal infections, burning mouth, and dental caries.


Dr. Kenya Hoover, Clinical Director/Owner of NuLife Dental and Med Center,  is a graduate of Universidade Vale do Rio Doce School of Dental Science and holds a post-graduate degree in Operative Dentistry as well as a Masters in Science from Nova South Eastern University. After her post graduate degree Dr. Hoover became an Assistant Professor for the Department of Restorative Dentistry at Nova South Eastern University, before opening her own practice in 2019.

Five Lasting Benefits Of Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry



The term cosmetic dentistry can be misleading. It may suggest that cosmetic dentistry products and procedures are superficial, but this is not always true. There are many great benefits to cosmetic dentistry. It offers treatment and solutions for various conditions such as decayed, disintegrated, discolored, broken, chipped and missing teeth. Through cosmetic dentistry, you can improve your looks and get a smile makeover. You can choose one, two or more procedures to fix any dental problems that you may be facing. But improving the smile is not the only way cosmetic dentistry can help you.  Here, we are going to discuss five benefits.


1. Improved appearance

There is no denying that looking better has its advantages. We always feel better if we know we look better. This has apparent benefits, especially in the way we view ourselves and how we interact with others. Discolored and stained teeth do not give us confidence, so it makes sense to use teeth-whitening and dental veneers to solve that problem. We know there is nothing better than making a good first impression and if we feel we look good, we have a better chance of making a good, lasting impression.


2. Dental health

Cosmetic dentistry is a sure way to keep our teeth from degenerating further. For every dental problem, there is a cosmetic dental procedure. These procedures can make sure that we can keep our teeth in good health despite any problems we may have had early on. It improves the appearance of our teeth but at the same time, it ensures that the tooth which received treatment is not deteriorating or degenerating further. For example, dental crowns will protect the damaged or decayed teeth from worsening  while dental implants safeguard the gums and bones from decay and degeneration.  Ultimately, cosmetic dentistry can improve oral health.


3. Self-confidence

With cosmetic dentistry, everything that stopped you from feeling free and confident can be changed. The benefits of improved self-confidence are many and they cannot be measured in specific terms. Self-confidence has a significant bearing on your life. From your professional career to personal relationships, it touches all aspects of your life. A flawed appearance concerning your teeth can seriously impair your ability to smile with confidence. Cracked or chipped  teeth can be rectified with cosmetic dentistry and this, can boost your morale.


4. Improved diet

If there is a tooth missing, it can interfere with your ability to chew  food properly. If you have many teeth missing, it can seriously affect your eating habits. This, in turn, can affect your ability to digest food. Some dental problems may look minor but they can impact your eating habits, which can have a negative influence on your physical health. Cosmetic dentistry solutions such as onlays and inlays can improve the functions of your teeth, leading to better chewing  for an overall  healthier life.


5. Financial savings

Cosmetic surgery may help you prevent a bigger problem in the future that could  turn out to be more expensive if not caught on time. A more serious dental problem may result in an exorbitant treatment cost. By undergoing cosmetic dentistry sooner, you can save money that you may have to spend on a future treatment. For example, a dental implant saves your gum and teeth bone. If left alone, adjoining teeth may shift towards the empty space left by the missing tooth. If you want to set the problem right at a later date, the procedure may not be technically more difficult but it could be a lot more expensive.  Preventive dental care ensures that you do not have a bigger and more serious issue in store for you

Next,  we are going to discuss some very popular cosmetic surgery procedures, their benefits, and possible costs. Depending on what procedure you are anticipating, cosmetic dentistry costs can range from $100 to $3,000 or even more.


Types of Cosmetic Dentistry


1. Teeth Whitening ($500)

Teeth-whitening is the least expensive and the most simple way to enhance the appearance of your smile. Your dentist will bleach your teeth with products available in the dentist’s office. You can also buy gels and molds from your dentist to do the teeth-bleaching procedure at your home. You can also buy whitening products over the counter for at home use. These products include whitening toothpaste, whitening strips, and rinses. These products can cost $300-$500.


 2. Dental Veneers ($500-$1,300 per tooth)

Dental veneers are extremely thin, customized shells that cover the teeth’s front surface. It is made of tooth-colored resin or porcelain. The dental veneers are implanted after removing half-a-millimeter of enamel. Then the veneers are fixed to the front surface of the teeth. With dental veneers, the teeth’s color, size, shape or length can be changed. Dental veneers are often referred to as “Hollywood Teeth”.


3. Dental Bonding ($100 to $400 per tooth)

Dental bonding is a procedure in which resin is used that is similar to the color of your teeth and like putty in texture.. It is made of plastic, is durable, and is bonded to the tooth with the help of a laser or ultraviolet light. Your dentist will do the finishing touches which involves trimming and polishing, giving it the perfect shape. Dental bonding can give a new lease on life to your decayed, cracked, chipped, or misshapen teeth. It is also a good alternative to silver fillings.


4. Dental Crown ($500 to $900 each tooth)

A dental crown or dental cap is used to provide protection and strength to a damaged or decayed tooth. It restores its shape, strength, size, and appearance. A crown holds a cracked and damaged tooth together and prevents the weakened tooth from disintegrating. They can also be used to cover discolored teeth. Dental crowns are made from ceramic, porcelain, metal, or resin.


5. Onlays and Inlays ($650 to $1,200 per tooth)

Inlays and Onlays are techniques of indirect fillings in which damaged or decayed teeth are filled with gold, composite materials, or porcelain. When the filling is bonded inside the tooth’s center, it is called an “inlay”. When the fillings are more widespread and cover more than one point or include the biting surface, it is called an “onlay”. Your dentist can administer dental fillings during a visit to his office while onlays and inlays are prepared in a dental laboratory. After they are ready, your dentist can bond it into place.  Onlays and inlays are alternatives to crowns and can preserve much of the healthy tooth or teeth as possible.


6. Dental Implants ($1,250 to $3,000.)

Dental implants have three components: the titanium tooth root, the abutment, and the replacement tooth. The procedure involves inserting the titanium post or tooth root into the bone where the missing tooth once existed; then involves attaching a small connector post called the abutment. The last step is to attach the new tooth or crown.  Over time, the jawbone heals and grows around the implant of the titanium tooth root. It secures the implant tightly.


7. Other procedures

Other procedures not mentioned above are bridges, dentures and dental braces. A bridge is created of crowns with a false tooth in the place of a missing tooth.. A denture acts as a removable replacement for one or many missing teeth.. Dental braces are used to straighten misaligned or crooked teeth. It applies continuous pressure to move teeth slowly in a particular direction..

Final thoughts

Cosmetic dentistry does more than make cosmetic changes. To think that cosmetic surgery focuses only on improving the appearance of the patient’s smile is not entirely correct. The most important benefit of cosmetic surgery is that it helps prevent deterioration and degeneration of decaying, stained, broken, or chipped teeth. It offers lasting solutions to many of the common dental problems and offers a more charming and flawless smile.


Related Dental Services: Dental Services

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